Solidarity with Refugees in Greece

Photo on 2016-01-30 at 00.53 copy

Dear friends & comrades,
we would like to inform you about the progress we have made with the solidarity boxes that we started giving around at our concerts. We believe that it is fair for you to know what exactly we (and you with your donation) support and also to make more people know about and support the purpose. Also to give you the contact of the places we support, so you can support them with your own with donations or go there as volunteers.
Generally and unfortunately, there are a lot of things happening out there, that need our support but we are trying to focus in some and keep our eyes open at the same time.

Here the donations from the last months went:

27/11/2015 Bremen
28/11/2015 Schwerin
29/11/2015 Hamburg
Total amound of money: 1.000 Euro

200 Euro went to anarchist prisoners in Spain.
350 Euro went directly to Νοταρά26*
350 Euros went to Αυτοργανωμένη Πρωτοβουλία Αλληλεγγύης (Δερβενίων) *and specificaly to Skala Sikamnias , Mitilini.

DECEMBER 2015, Refpolk & Daisy Chain at TickTickBoom/Zeckenrap-Gala
Total amount of money: 535 Euro

285 Euro directly to Νοταρά26
250 Euro we spent for 25 sleepingbags and gave them to Νοταρά26

JANUARY 2016 Penthimos Clown, Refpolk, Daisy Chain
8/1/2016 Magdeburg
9/1/2016 Berlin
22/1/2016 Landau
23/1/2016 Dachau
Total amound of money: 398 Euro

We havent donated yet those money. We will play some more gigs and at the beginning of march we will send the money to Notara26, Αυτοργανωμένη Πρωτοβουλία Αλληλεγγύης (Δερβενίων) and to a new squat that is opening for the same reasons in Exarcheia. (more infos soon)

*Νοταρά26 is a squat that houses more than 100 refugees in Athens each night plus giving supplies, food. Some good time for the litle kids…and so many other things.

You can listen to an interview in English here

*Αυτοργανωμένη Πρωτοβουλία Αλληλεγγύης (Δερβενίων) is a self-organized solidarity initiative for refugees, started at Areos Park in the summer of 2015. From September until today it has consistently been active at Victoria Square and surrounding areas, while in October it created solidarity structures on Skala Sikamia, Lesbos, where a lot of volunteers went to support.


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Reclaim and remember!

23 years ago 10 year old Yeliz Arslan, 14 year old Ayşe Yılmaz and 51 year old Bahide Arslan were murdered by neo-Nazis in the German city Mölln. The home of their family was set on fire with molotov cocktails. Other family members were badly injured.
The beginning of the 1990’s was the time after the so-called reunification of Germany, a time of rising nationalism and racism. Since then hundreds of people have been killed and heavily injured in fascist attacks.

Within this year, there have been more than 500 attacks against refugee camps in Germany. At the same time, the government restricted the asylum law. But also many people have supported refugees and refugees have organised strikes and demonstrations for their freedom of movement.
After the attack in 1992, the Arslans were blamed of being troublemakers. Another example for everyday racism in Germany. But the family came together with friends and decided to organise a remembrance for their family members in solidarity with all victims of fascist violence.
We as The Future Is Still Unwritten support this remembrance, and the self-organisation of victims of fascist violence, together with anti-fascist groups. We will play at the remembrance concert in Bremen on 27th November.

We remember Yeliz Arslan, Bahide Arslan and Ayşe Yılmaz.
No one will ever be forgotten.

More info can be found on

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2 years after the death of Killah P (Pavlos Fyssas)


thumbnailIt has been 2 years since the death of Killah P (Pavlos Fissas).

Killah P, a 34-year-old antifascist, was stabbed to death by a member of the neonazi party Golden Dawn late at night on 17th September 2013. He left this world proud because at this night he protected his friends from being attacked.

We will never forget him, and we will never forget and we will never forgive what fascism did and is still doing.

We stand on the side of his family and friends, and on the side of all  families and friends of victims that were murdered or harmed by fascists and nazis.

We are here to connect our voices and fight them. Until fascism stops to exist. They are the murders and we have to stop them.

And as long as we are a lot, maybe they took some of us, but they can’t stop all of us.

NO to fascism.

NO to racism.

NO step back.


Listen to one of his songs with subtitles: Killah P – Σιγά μην κλάψω, σιγά μη φοβηθώ (ENG Subs) [Παύλος Φύσσας]

Read more about that night at wiki: Murder of Pavlos Fyssas

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LIVE GIA FB BANNER(Refpolk-Daisy Chain-Miss Zebra-Dj Kai Kani)

25/6 Lärz,Fusion Festival,
26/6 Lärz,Fusion Festival,

(Kronstadt-Refpolk-Daisy Chain-Miss Zebra-Dj Kai Kani)

03/7 Munich
04/7 Jena

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New Raid Against Anarchist Movement in Spain

The past Monday 30th March, the State with his armed group called Police started a new raid to try to destroy the Anarchist movement.

36 people were under detention, and some houses and squats were raided in Barcelona, Madrid, Palencia and Granada. 13 people under ‘terrorism’ accusation. The other was for resistance to authority and squatting (because police entered some squats looking for the people under ‘terrorist’accusation, and catched them too).

The State try once again, to destroy us, our unity, our moral. The invented a hierarchy, and a terrorist organisation called GAC (anarchist groups corrdination),with bosses, economical structure…etc, because they still doesn’t understand that we anarchist are not like them, we have no leaders, no bosses, no hierarchy. They talk about an organisation, GAC, that was a public collective, of people who meet up for coordination of propaganda and to make a book, called ‘Against Democracy’.

This raid is the next step after Pandora Operation on last 16th December, when 7 people where sended to jail for a month and a half, and now waiting for a trial.

All the people under detention is free now, except 5 persons sended to Jail.

The State wants to broke us down, to end with revolutionary passion, but far of this, the only thing they are getting, is to have us more united than ever, more close to each other. To have this feeling that we are in a hard moment and we have to let some differences on a side and struggle together. Now you can see this person who you only see sometimes in demos, or concerts, and you just say ‘hello’, coming to you and talking, asking, giving a hug and staying together. This have no price!

Every single person who fight against the system, can be arrested at any time.

Today is been with the Anarchist. Tomorrow you can be the next!

Yo try to destroy us, but you only make us stronger, and if it’s possible, more sure of what we think, what we feel, and more angry against any kind of power or authority.

All solidarity for the comrades in prison, their friends, families and partners.

Solidarity, our best weapon!

If they touch one, touch us all!

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Hunger Strike Untill Death on Greek Prison

Two months ago, some anarchist prisoners from the organization ‘Fire Cells Conspiration’, where planing to scape the Koridallos prison, but their plan was discovered by the guards.

Since that moment, authorities and police started a Hunt, trying to catch somebody ‘guilty’ of helping them from outside. Friends and family.

On 2nd March 2015 Angeliki Spyropoulou, who was being searched, accused of helping them, was catched by police, and a friend of the prisoner Giorgos Polydoros brother, brothers Tsakalos mother, a friend of her, and wife of Gerasimos Tsakalos, where under detention too.

They are accused of bein ‘messengers’ and ‘revolutionary founds’, because they entered things to the prisoners, like food, clothes, money, and suspicious stuff suposed to help them on this escape.

Because of those detentions, the anarchist prisoners in koridallos starts a hunger strike untill their death, to claim for their families freedom. Because they say all the responsabilities of this jailbreak, is their responsability, and not from their families.


All our support to those fighters, and the family, friends and supporters.

Untill every cage is empty!

Freedom and solidarity!

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Antifascist protests against neo-Nazi distortion of history in Germany

Every year in January more than 1.000 neo-Nazis demonstrate in the East German city Magdeburg to “remember the German victims of the Second World War”. Magdeburg was heavily bombed by British forces in 1945. With their demonstration the neo-Nazis try to distort history and to repress the crimes of Nazi Germany, that preceded the attacks. Besides, Magdeburg is a city where a lot of people live in fear to be attacked by neo-Nazis. For example, the currently biggest neo-Nazi concert in Germany takes place every year in a small village close to the city and the local neo-Nazis are notorius for their brutality. That’s why antifascists mobilise to blockade the neo-Nazi demonstration in January. Here you can find a music video called “Kein Fußbreit” (not an inch for the fascists) featuring Refpolk that supports the antifascist action in Magdeburg.

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Our solidarity to Anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos – 22 days on hunger strike

image.ashx_ Anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos is on hunger strike since 10 November 2014, requesting to make use of educational furloughs from prison, to which he is entitled since September 2014. Nikos Romanos refused to accept the amount of 500 euros and the greetings that Carolos Papulias (President of the Republic of Greece) wanted to give him because of his success with the university entrance examinations. And now they illegally refuse to let him attend his classes.

Nikos is currently in Athens General Hospital “Gennimatas”, in heavy police custody. His health is in critical condition as his heartbeat reached 170, but he still refuses to take medicinal help, using his body as his only weapon. Other Anarchist prisoners have gone on hunger strike in solidarity with the struggle of Nikos Romanos. Comrades from all over Greece and Europe, have already started demonstrations and actions to support his cause.

Tomorrow (2/12/2014) will be the next demo in Athens, starting from Monastiraki at 18:00.

Romanos was close friends with Alexandros Grigoropoulos, the unarmed pupil who was shot dead by a policeman in the Athens neighborhood of Exarheia at 6/12/08. Romanos watched his friend die in front of his eyes after being shot through the heart.

The timing could not be worse for the government.With the anniversary of Grigropoulos’ death looming, should the unthinkable happen to Romanos in the coming days, it may well prove a trigger for new waves of unrest throughout Greece with unpredictable consequences.

However, we won’t let them.

We demand from the government to give Nikos Romanos the right to attend his classes.

Not even a step back.

Niko, we are with you.


read in english

read in greek

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